Cyclic Living & Sex and Masturbation

Living in sync with your menstrual cycle can have numerous benefits for your sexual, physical, emotional, and mental health. Understanding the hormonal shifts that occur throughout your cycle can help you make more informed decisions about your diet, exercise routine, and self-care practices. It can also help you identify patterns in your libido, energy levels, mood, and productivity, allowing you to better plan your schedule and maximise your potential. By embracing the natural ebb and flow of your cycle, you can cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness, empowerment, and connection to your body.
Here is your breakdown of your menstruation cycle and tips on how to approach sex and masturbation with respect to each phase.
Throughout the menstruation phase, the lowest level of hormones is secreted over the entire menstrual cycle. This is the best time to turn in and nurture yourself. Your body may feel tired and restful, and that is OKAY! Listen to your body and what it needs at this time. Your libido levels will vary in this phase. If you are aroused we recommend using lubricant to increase enjoyment as this time is considered your ‘dry phase’.
The follicular phase is the best time to pour time into aroused sensations and heighten sexual touch for the upcoming surge in testosterone in the ovulation phase. Your hormones are low and are slowly beginning to increase with the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) being released. FSH is released to stimulate egg maturation in the ovaries. During this phase, we recommend focusing on foreplay! If penetrative sex is on the cards ensure that you are fully aroused (use foreplay) as this increased arousal causes the cervix to shift up further into the uterus, increasing the length of the vaginal canal and allowing for penetration. Focus on physical connection and branch out to try something new! Be creative, your body is craving it.
The ovulation phase is the best time for sex and masturbation! Following the rise in FSH (during the follicular phase), luteinising hormone (LH) stimulates the follicle to release an egg from the ovary. Testosterone begins to surge, driving sexual desire. Testosterone then drops around ovulation. At this time, an increased amount of cervical fluid is secreted, decreasing your need for lubricant and driving for more passionate play. Think hot steamy. What turns you on? You are naturally more interested in sex as you are ovulating. Try something new! Explore new sex positions and role-playing! This is your most fertile stage so if you are not trying to conceive, wear protection! This is the time to put yourself out there, explore, go out with friends, and be wild. We recommend trying our wireless remote control vibrator with your partner or using our Blended or Curve for extra internal stimulation.
Your luteal phase can be broken down into halves. Oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone reach their peak and begin to fall reaching their lowest point right before menstruation. During the first half of this phase, you may have a high libido but you may also need to increase the stimulation to reach climax, we recommend utilising our more intense toys including the Duo and Blended. Add a little more time and effort into your sexual routine - light our beautifully musky, sandal wood scented massage candle, enjoy a romantic dinner prior, and massage your and/or your partner's body. In the second half of the phase, your libido will begin to decrease as your hormones drop. Different emotions and feelings may arise, listen to them, don't bury them, and think and talk about them!
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